
Your opinion matters

Overview and Surveys

An MDC student poses for a picture in the library

Students are given an opportunity to provide anonymous feedback to faculty in regular credit and career credit courses. Student feedback for faculty is assessed using a standardized questionnaire provided by MDC, and feedback reports are available to students, faculty, and administrators.

All faculty members participate in the student feedback during each Fall Term and the results are made available in January. Additional survey results are accumulated for participating faculty during the Spring Term (available in May) and Summer Term (available in September).

  • Student Feedback Faculty Participation:
    • Adjunct and Annual Contract: Required to participate every term. They are automatically included each term.
    • Continuing Contract:
      • Fall Term: Required to participate.
      • Spring Term: Optional participation (complete the Opt-in Form).
      • Summer Term: There is no Summer Term option.

Students evaluate faculty in traditional classroom courses including Web-enhanced, Blended and Labs (Classroom Survey is administered); courses in special programs such as Co-Op, Independent Studies, Competency-based Education, Study Abroad, MDC Live, and MDC Online (Alternate Survey is administered); and in the Library Services area (Faculty Librarian Survey is administered).

Lab and clinical classes that students directly enroll in through their registration in the lab or clinical course are required for Student Feedback. Lab and clinical classes that students are automatically enrolled in through their registration in the lecture course are not required for Student Feedback. Faculty who are actually instructing students in these labs may administer student feedback for these classes on a request basis through their department chairperson.


NOTICE - For the most recent notice, please access the Online Administration.

District Office Assistance

Please contact the Office of Assessment, Evaluation and Testing:

Silvio Rodriguez
P: 305.237.7492

Marlen Gonzalez
P: 305.237.7481