
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

Emergency Medical Responder

An emergency medical responder is a person who has completed a course that provides training in the pre-hospital care for medical emergencies. They have more skills than someone who is trained in basic first aid but they are not a substitute for advanced medical care rendered by emergency medical technicians and/or paramedics.

About the Medical Campus Emergency Medical Responder:

  • It's a seven week program of study requiring 2 college credits.
  • Before entry into the Emergency Medical Responder (EMS 1059 and EMS 1059L), the student must have tested out of the first level of college prep through the Computerized Placement Test (CPT), or successfully completed the first level of college prep coursework or higher to be eligible for these classes. (See Testing Requirements for program).
  • The program is offered every semester during the evening hours in a Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday offering.
  • Courses are offered at the Medical and Homestead Campuses.

The First Responder courses provide learning experiences that enable the student to acquire and assimilate the necessary technical competencies to function effectively as a first responder to medical emergencies in the pre-hospital environment.

In keeping with its mission and goals, and in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Medical Campus promotes an environment of respect and support for persons with disabilities and will make reasonable accommodations. Please see the Physical Demands listed for this program.

Important Phone Numbers

Important Phone Numbers
EMS Department 305-237-4038
Advisement Services 305-237-4238
Financial Aid 305-237-4160
New Student Center 305-237-4141
Student Life 305-237-4213