Miami Dade College

Padrón Campus

What is SGA?

The Student Government Association is the voice of the students and serves as the student governing body responsible for representing students' interests and addressing students' needs with the campus leadership. Members learn leadership and organizational communication skills as they represent the student body campus, college-wide and state meetings. Our motto is: FOR THE STUDENTS, BY THE STUDENTS.

Mission of SGA

  • To provide a forum for the expression of student views and interests
  • To maintain academic freedom, academic responsibility and student rights.
  • To improve cultural, social and physical welfare
  • To promote the development of better educational standards, facilities and teaching methods
  • To help promote national and international understanding and fellowship at the student level.
  • To foster the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of the student to the school community.

What does SGA do?

  • It provides leadership training and social interactions for its members
  • It provides campus and political involvement
  • It provides the opportunity to travel to conferences, retreats and meetings throughout the state where you can share and exchange student concerns and needs
  • It provides a sense of accomplishment, belonging and pride during your time at MDC, Padrón Campus

SGA E-Board

Meet your new Student Government Association Executive Board! This dedicated group of student leaders is committed to representing and advocating for the student body. They bring multiple backgrounds, experiences, and ideas to the table to enhance campus life and address student concerns.

Advisor: Samaria Prieto -

President: Ricardo Materan -

Vice-President: Matias Mena -

Secretary: Violeta Krossler -

Treasurer: Augusto Valero -