Changemaking Student Profile

Ronaldo Garcia Sevilla

Ronaldo Garcia Sevilla

Area of Study at MDC: Data Analytics

Campus: Kendall

UN SDGs of Interest: Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, Goal16: Peace and Justice

Essence Words: Knowledgeable, Connection, Collaborative

What does changemaking mean to you? How do you define what changemaking is to someone who's never heard the term?

I'd define changemaking as the ongoing process of trying to make a positive impact on communities or the world with your actions. For me, once you are a changemaker and realize that innovation can come up in many forms and from things that are already out there, or the fact that you can make change in any field if you have a matching passion, is hard to change away from that mindset.

Why do you consider yourself a changemaker? What issues are at the center of your changemaking work?

Because as a leader in my student community, I have tried to make changes in things that I recognized as a problem when I became a student. I barely met with the knowledge of how to get involved at school and I joined the SCHOLARS program at Hialeah Campus that consists of going to first year students’ classes to spread information of the ways students can get involved and engaged at campus. In other leadership positions in SGA and other clubs I was available for my peers and new students that will be having leadership positions soon for guidance and help in any troubles that they have.

To be a changemaker, it is important to...

Be courageous about making the first step.

What would you tell a student who would like to start their journey as a changemaker?

Take all the opportunities you can to be involved and have personal growth. Not only will that enhance you to make use of the chances you get to make change in the future, but also to develop as a person.