Changemaking Student Profile

Arquimedes “Archie” Rivero

Arquimedes “Archie” Rivero

Area of Study at MDC: International relations and economics

Campus: Wolfson

UN SDGs of Interest: Goal 4: Quality Education, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal16: Peace and Justice, Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Essence Words: Proactivity, Responsibility, Collaboration

What does changemaking mean to you? How do you define what changemaking is to someone who's never heard the term?

Changemaking, to me, is being intentional about employing creativity, dynamisms, and systems-oriented thinking to solve issues that affect the communities we are part of. Its beauty stems from the notion that anyone, young or old, of varied backgrounds, can make a difference in the communities closest to them.

Why do you consider yourself a changemaker? What issues are at the center of your changemaking work?

I recognize the potential within me to make a difference, but that’s not the most important reason that completes my identity as a changemaker; it’s my potential to inspire others to make a difference that does. For me, building leadership in others, uplifting them in any way that I can, and connecting with students to help them find their voices through civic and financial literacy is what resonates most. I am fortunate enough to work on these sectors in my capacity as Student Government President at the Wolfson Campus and as a Changemaking ambassador.

To be a changemaker, it is important to...

Be mindful. It’s important to remember the unique ways in which our decisions can affect those around us, especially when we act on their behalf and not in conjunction to those we are vying to assist. Be inclusive: make sure that you have different voices seated at the table where plans are made. Only then can changemakers begin to understand the nuances of what they are trying to tackle, and how to strategically approach it, while keeping everyone who is either directly or indirectly involved in mind.

What would you tell a student who would like to start their journey as a changemaker?

Commit to what you’re passionate about and start there! Changemaking is like a seed, more often than not beginning with the smallest of actions. The misconception that exists where one believes they must do something extensive to have their work be considered important needs to be dismantled. Whether you pick up a stray can from the street, smile at a stranger, or establish a non-profit, or anything else that leaves the world just a little bit better than it was before, you are being a Changemaker.